Sunday, 25 July 2010

I am currently working

Hi again,
Been awhile I know but just to let you know I am currently working an almost 9-5 existence for the foreseeable future so folio updates will be probably few and far between. I will try to cram in as much folio time of an evening as is humanely possible..!!!  ;)

Thursday, 27 May 2010


Hey up,
Aye it's been awhile I know so here's a little WIP update on what I've been working on so far. As my actual website is still in need of some extra content, I thought it best to temporarily shelve the Middle East scene I'd started (Nearly finished texturing that first building) and concentrate on getting some props I've already made onto the site from the sewer tunnel scene, as there was quite a lot of work and effort that went in making that scene.
So, instead of just print screening them against a grey background, I thought I could make a sort of virtual testing/viewing room for all the props I produce, just to give it a bit more oumff (Is that a word..? It is now...) and make it a tad more interesting. Also, the room will serve as a prop in itself to tie the whole site together as I update it with various logos and symbols to match the design and keep overall continuity.
I've purposely made it bland with little pockets of high res detail so as not to distract to much from the actual props that'll be placed in it; it's just a fancy pants background after all...
Another element that I've added to it is to place on each wall and the floor the XYZ axis marker, and also kept the colour system in place. Y is on the floor and green, X on one wall is red and Z on the other wall is blue, as are the little digital distance markers; blue numbers for Z, red for X.

The whole thing is still WIP, and more little incidentals will be added like a simple door/exit sign/hand scanner lock etc.
Anyway, here's a few simple print screens and I'll be back on the Middle East scene before you can say Chicken Dance team 2000...

Friday, 26 March 2010

Building WIP

Just a very quick update on the first of the buildings to be more or less fleshed out. I'm keeping the geometry to sensible poly counts, as if this were for a BF or Crysis standard game, relying on texture work and multiple low poly props to enhance the detail. The added bonus of a set collection of props is that it can help achieve consistency and a feeling of continuity through out a level as similar looking objects can tie it all in visually. Also, as well as making the buildings and roads modular, I'm also creating the individual building parts modular, so as to make for easier chopping and changing between rooms, balconies, pillars etc... This takes a bit more time but is worth it for the level of control it gives over the look of the level.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Middle East street scene

Hi again,
JUST started my next folio piece, a generic street scene from a war zone in the Middle East somewhere. I'm leaving the location pretty open as I want to throw in a few elements from various locations that I think will add to the general feel. Anyway, this is as basic as it gets; blocking out the overall layout. I'm doing this as modular as possible for maximum flexibility, creating blocks of buildings and free standing ones to mix and match. This is a VERY basic scene guide for now; it will probably transform into something completely different as the scene goes on. I've just seen the Hurt Locker as well which helped kick start this scene, a great film by the way. I know there are lots of Middle East set pieces out there already, but this is my first attempt and something I've always wanted to work on. Doing it for my folio has the added Brucie Bonus of not answering to programmers requests to chop and change as they see fit..! Ahhh, bliss...  ;) I'll also throw a few more props at it than I should but will keep the individual counts in-game...

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Starting a WIP blog

Hi all..!
Just a quickie here to say thanks for taking a look at this new blog and I hope to start filling it monthly(ish) with various bits and bobs I'm working on as my new folio is still very much in need of updating!
Obviously, if I'm bogged under with work then it'll be longer gaps inbetween updates, at least as far as showing folio development goes and I'll try at least to update with little bits of news and things...
I hope to have some wips to show soon enough!