Sunday, 26 October 2014


This is an image I completed using a different technique, as I'm currently trying to refine my concept art.
I started with a photo plate and used that to colour pick and to get some values from- this is the end result.
I'm pretty happy with it as it only took about 5 hours and was really good fun- it's a nice way to approach a piece. I tried to rely as little as possible on the underlying photo, drawing over most of it and completely creating a new environment.

This image was inspired by a great tutorial by the amazing Shaddy Safadi..!
It's a great way to create a nice clean sharp piece from a photo, and the method lends itself to being really flexible as everything is on its own layer with a corresponding layer mask.
I chose this photo as it presented quite a challenge because it's in values only and those values are really close together- it took a lot of squinting to see the value separation and I resisted the temptation to "fog out" the background behind the train to make it pop more than it does in the photo.